Router Instruments

Standard metric instruments for the router's request lifecycle

Standard metric instruments

GraphOS Router and Apollo Router Core provide a set of non-configurable metric instruments that expose detailed information about the router's request lifecycle.

These instruments can be consumed by configuring a metrics exporter .


  • apollo_router_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket - HTTP router request duration

  • apollo_router_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket - HTTP subgraph request duration, attributes:

    • subgraph: (Optional) The subgraph being queried

  • apollo_router_http_requests_total - Total number of HTTP requests by HTTP status

  • apollo_router_timeout - Number of triggered timeouts

  • apollo_router_http_request_retry_total - Number of subgraph requests retried, attributes:

    • subgraph: The subgraph being queried

    • status : If the retry was aborted (aborted)


  • apollo_router_graphql_error - counts GraphQL errors in responses, attributes:

    • code: error code


  • apollo_router_session_count_total - Number of currently connected clients

  • apollo_router_session_count_active - Number of in-flight GraphQL requests


  • apollo_router_cache_size — Number of entries in the cache

  • apollo_router_cache_hit_count - Number of cache hits

  • apollo_router_cache_miss_count - Number of cache misses

  • apollo_router_cache_hit_time - Time to hit the cache in seconds

  • apollo_router_cache_miss_time - Time to miss the cache in seconds

  • - The estimated storage size of the cache in bytes (query planner in memory only).

All cache metrics listed above have the following attributes:

  • kind: the cache being queried (apq, query planner, introspection)

  • storage: The backend storage of the cache (memory, redis)


  • apollo_router_operations_coprocessor_total - Total operations with coprocessors enabled.

  • apollo_router_operations_coprocessor.duration - Time spent waiting for the coprocessor to answer, in seconds.

The coprocessor operations metric has the following attributes:

  • coprocessor.stage: string (RouterRequest, RouterResponse, SubgraphRequest, SubgraphResponse)

  • coprocessor.succeeded: bool


  • apollo_router_processing_time - Time spent processing a request (outside of waiting for external or subgraph requests) in seconds.

  • apollo_router_schema_load_duration - Time spent loading the schema in seconds.

Query planning

  • apollo_router.query_planning.warmup.duration - Time spent warming up the query planner queries in seconds.

  • apollo.router.query_planning.plan.duration - Histogram of plan durations isolated to query planning time only.

  • - Histogram of plan durations including queue time.

  • apollo.router.query_planning.queued - A gauge of the number of queued plans requests.

  • apollo.router.query_planning.plan.evaluated_plans - Histogram of the number of evaluated query plans.

  • apollo.router.v8.heap.used - heap memory used by V8, in bytes.

  • - total heap allocated by V8, in bytes.

  • apollo_router_uplink_fetch_duration_seconds_bucket - Uplink request duration, attributes:

    • url: The Uplink URL that was polled

    • query: The query that the router sent to Uplink (SupergraphSdl or License)

    • kind: (new, unchanged, http_error, uplink_error)

    • code: The error code depending on type (if an error occurred)

    • error: The error message (if an error occurred)

  • apollo_router_uplink_fetch_count_total

    • status: (success, failure)

    • query: The query that the router sent to Uplink (SupergraphSdl or License)

The initial call to Uplink during router startup is not reflected in metrics.


  • apollo_router_opened_subscriptions - Number of different opened subscriptions (not the number of clients with an opened subscriptions in case it's deduplicated)

  • apollo_router_deduplicated_subscriptions_total - Number of subscriptions that has been deduplicated

  • apollo_router_skipped_event_count - Number of subscription events that has been skipped because too many events have been received from the subgraph but not yet sent to the client.


  • apollo.router.operations.batching - A counter of the number of query batches received by the router.

  • apollo.router.operations.batching.size - A histogram tracking the number of queries contained within a query batch.

GraphOS Studio

  • - The number of reports submitted to GraphOS Studio by the router.

    • report.type: The type of report submitted: "traces" or "metrics"

    • report.protocol: Either "apollo" or "otlp", depending on the experimental_otlp_tracing_sampler configuration.


The following metrics have been deprecated and should not be used.

  • apollo_router_span - Deprecated—use apollo_router_processing_time instead.