Datadog exporter (via OTLP)

Configure the Datadog exporter for metrics

Enable and configure the OTLP exporter for metrics in the GraphOS Router or Apollo Router Core for use with Datadog .

For general tracing configuration, refer to Router Metrics Configuration .

Datadog configuration

To export metrics to Datadog, you must both:

  • Configure the Datadog agent to accept OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) metrics, and

  • Configure the router to send traces to the Datadog agent.

Datadog agent configuration

To configure the Datadog agent, add OTLP configuration (otlp_config) to your datadog.yaml. For example:

2  receiver:
3    protocols:
4      grpc:
5        endpoint: <dd-agent-ip>:4317

Router configuration

To configure the router, enable the OTLP exporter and set both temporality: delta and endpoint: <datadog-agent-endpoint>. For example:

2  exporters:
3    metrics:
4      otlp:
5        enabled: true
6        # Temporality MUST be set to delta. Failure to do this will result in incorrect metrics.
7        temporality: delta
8        # Optional endpoint, either 'default' or a URL (Defaults to
9        endpoint: "${env.DATADOG_AGENT_HOST}:4317"
You must set temporality: delta, otherwise the router generates incorrect metrics.

For more details about Datadog configuration, see Datadog's docs on Agent configuration .