Since 1.40.0

Subgraph Entity Caching for the GraphOS Router

Configure Redis-backed caching for entities

This feature is only available with a GraphOS Enterprise plan. You can test it out by signing up for a free GraphOS trial. To compare GraphOS feature support across all plan types, see the pricing page.
This feature is in preview. Your questions and feedback are highly valued—don't hesitate to get in touch with your Apollo contact .

Learn how the GraphOS Router can cache subgraph query responses using Redis to improve your query latency for entities in the supergraph.


An entity gets its fields from one or more subgraphs. To respond to a client request for an entity, the GraphOS Router must make multiple subgraph requests. Different clients requesting the same entity can make redundant, identical subgraph requests.

Entity caching enables the router to respond to identical subgraph queries with cached subgraph responses. The router uses Redis to cache data from subgraph query responses. Because cached data is keyed per subgraph and entity, different clients making the same client query—with the same or different query arguments—hit the same cache entries of subgraph response data.

Benefits of entity caching

Compared to caching entire client responses, entity caching supports finer control over:

  • the time to live (TTL) of cached data

  • the amount of data being cached

When caching an entire client response, the router must store it with a shorter TTL because application data can change often. Real-time data needs more frequent updates.

A client-response cache might not be shareable between users, because the application data might contain personal and private information. A client-response cache might also duplicate a lot of data between client responses.

For example, consider the Products and Inventory subgraphs from the Entities guide :

1type Product @key(fields: "id") {
2  id: ID!
3  name: String!
4  price: Int
1type Product @key(fields: "id") {
2  id: ID!
3  inStock: Boolean!

Assume the client for a shopping cart application requests the following for each product in the cart:

  • The product's name and price from the Products subgraph.

  • The product's availability in inventory from the Inventory subgraph.

If caching the entire client response, it would require a short TTL because the cart data can change often and the real-time inventory has to be up to date. A client-response cache couldn't be shared between users, because each cart is personal. A client-response cache might also duplicate data because the same products might appear in multiple carts.

With entity caching enabled for this example, the router can:

  • Store each product's description and price separately with a long TTL.

  • Minimize the number of subgraph requests made for each client request, with some client requests fetching all product data from the cache and requiring no subgraph requests.

  • Share the product cache between all users.

  • Cache the cart per user, with a small amount of data.

  • Cache inventory data with a short TTL or not cache it at all.

Use entity caching

Follow this guide to enable and configure entity caching in the GraphOS Router.


To use entity caching in the GraphOS Router, you must set up:

Configure router for entity caching

In router.yaml, configure preview_entity_cache:

  • Enable entity caching globally.

  • Configure Redis using the same conventions described in distributed caching .

  • Configure entity caching per subgraph, with overrides per subgraph for disabling entity caching and TTL.

For example:

1# Enable entity caching globally
3  enabled: true
4  subgraph:
5    all:
6      enabled: true
7      # Configure Redis
8      redis:
9        urls: ["redis://..."]
10        timeout: 2s # Optional, by default: 500ms
11        ttl: 24h # Optional, by default no expiration
12    # Configure entity caching per subgraph, overrides options from the "all" section
13    subgraphs:
14      products:
15        ttl: 120s # overrides the global TTL
16      inventory:
17        enabled: false # disable for a specific subgraph
18      accounts:
19        private_id: "user_id"
ⓘ note
In router v1.51 and earlier, Redis and per-subgraph caching configurations are set directly on preview_entity_cache, for example preview_entity_cache.redis.This configuration may change while the feature is in preview .

Configure time to live (TTL)

Besides configuring a global TTL for all the entries in Redis, the GraphOS Router also honors the Cache-Control header returned with the subgraph response. It generates a Cache-Control header for the client response by aggregating the TTL information from all response parts. A TTL has to be configured for all subgraphs using entity caching, either defined in the per subgraph configuration or inherited from the global configuration, in case the subgraph returns a Cache-Control header without a max-age.

Customize Redis cache key

If you need to store data for a particular request in different cache entries, you can configure the cache key through the apollo_entity_cache::key context entry.

This entry contains an object with the all field to affect all subgraph requests under one client request, and fields named after subgraph operation names to affect individual subgraph queries. The field's value can be any valid JSON value (object, string, etc).

2    "all": 1,
3    "subgraph_operation1": "key1",
4    "subgraph_operation2": {
5      "data": "key2"
6    }

Entity cache invalidation

When existing cache entries need to be replaced, the router supports a couple of ways for you to invalidate entity cache entries:

  • Invalidation endpoint - the router exposes an invalidation endpoint that can receive invalidation requests from any authorized service. This is primarily intended as an alternative to the extensions mechanism described below. For example a subgraph could use it to trigger invalidation events "out of band" from any requests received by the router or a platform operator could use it to invalidate cache entries in response to events which aren't directly related to a router.

  • Subgraph response extensions - you can send invalidation requests via subgraph response extensions, allowing a subgraph to invalidate cached data right after a mutation.

One invalidation request can invalidate multiple cached entries at once. It can invalidate:

  • All cached entries for a specific subgraph

  • All cached entries for a specific type in a specific subgraph

  • All cached entries for a specific entity in a specific subgraph

To process an invalidation request, the router first sends a SCAN command to Redis to find all the keys that match the invalidation request. After iterating over the scan cursor, the router sends a DEL command to Redis to remove the matching keys.


You can configure entity cache invalidation globally with preview_entity_cache.invalidation. You can also override the global setting for a subgraph with preview_entity_cache.subgraph.subgraphs.invalidation. The example below shows both:

2  enabled: true
4  # global invalidation configuration
5  invalidation:
6    # address of the invalidation endpoint
7    # this should only be exposed to internal networks
8    listen: ""
9    path: "/invalidation"
10    scan_count: 1000
12  subgraph:
13    all:
14      enabled: true
15      redis:
16        urls: ["redis://..."]
17      invalidation:
18        # base64 string that will be provided in the `Authorization: Basic` header value
19        shared_key: "agm3ipv7egb78dmxzv0gr5q0t5l6qs37"
20    subgraphs:
21      products:
22        # per subgraph invalidation configuration overrides global configuration
23        invalidation:
24          # whether invalidation is enabled for this subgraph
25          enabled: true
26          # override the shared key for this particular subgraph. If another key is provided, the invalidation requests for this subgraph's entities will not be executed
27          shared_key: "czn5qvjylm231m90hu00hgsuayhyhgjv"

The address and port to listen on for invalidation requests.


The path to listen on for invalidation requests.


A string that will be used to authenticate invalidation requests.


The number of keys to scan in a single SCAN command. This can be used to reduce the number of requests to Redis.

Invalidation request format

Invalidation requests are defined as JSON objects with the following format:

  • Subgraph invalidation request:

2  "kind": "subgraph",
3  "subgraph": "accounts"
  • Subgraph type invalidation request:

2  "kind": "subgraph",
3  "subgraph": "accounts",
4  "type": "User"
  • Subgraph entity invalidation request:

2  "kind": "subgraph",
3  "subgraph": "accounts",
4  "type": "User",
5  "key": {
6    "id": "1"
7  }
ⓘ note
The key field is the same argument as defined in the subgraph's @key directive. If a subgraph has multiple keys defined and the entity is being invalidated, it is likely you'll need to send a request for each key definition.

Invalidation HTTP endpoint

The invalidation endpoint exposed by the router expects to receive an array of invalidation requests and will process them in sequence. For authorization, you must provide a shared key in the request header. For example, with the previous configuration you should send the following request:

2Authorization: agm3ipv7egb78dmxzv0gr5q0t5l6qs37
5Accept: application/json
8    "kind": "type",
9    "subgraph": "invalidation-subgraph-type-accounts",
10    "type": "Query"

The router would send the following response:

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Content-Type: application/json
5  "count": 300

The count field indicates the number of keys that were removed from Redis.

Invalidation through subgraph response extensions

A subgraph can return an invalidation array with invalidation requests in its response's extensions field. This can be used to invalidate entries in response to a mutation.

2  "data": { "invalidateProductReview": 1 },
3  "extensions": {
4      "invalidation": [{
5          "kind": "entity",
6          "subgraph": "invalidation-entity-key-reviews",
7          "type": "Product",
8          "key": {
9              "upc": "1"
10          }
11      }]
12  }


Invalidation requests are instrumented with the following metrics:

  • apollo.router.operations.entity.invalidation.event - counter triggered when a batch of invalidation requests is received. It has a label origin that can be either endpoint or extensions.

  • apollo.router.operations.entity.invalidation.entry - counter measuring how many entries are removed per DEL call. It has a label origin that can be either endpoint or extensions, and a label with the name of the receiving subgraph.

  • apollo.router.cache.invalidation.keys - histogram measuring the number of keys that were removed from Redis per invalidation request.

  • apollo.router.cache.invalidation.duration - histogram measuring the time spent handling one invalidation request.

Invalidation requests are also reported under the following spans:

  • cache.invalidation.batch - span covering the processing of a list of invalidation requests. It has a label origin that can be either endpoint or extensions.

  • cache.invalidation.request - span covering the processing of a single invalidation request.

Failure cases

Entity caching will greatly reduce traffic to subgraphs. Should there be an availability issue with a Redis cache, this could cause traffic to subgraphs to increase to a level where infrastructure becomes overwhelmed. To avoid such issues, the router should be configured with rate limiting for subgraph requests to avoid overwhelming the subgraphs. It could also be paired with subgraph query deduplication to further reduce traffic.

Scalability and performance

The scalability and performance of entity cache invalidation is based on its implementation with the Redis SCAN command . The SCAN command provides a cursor for iterating over the entire key space and returns a list of keys matching a pattern. When executing an invalidation request, the router first runs a series of SCAN calls and then it runs DEL calls for any matching keys.

The time complexity of a single invalidation request grows linearly with the number of entries, as each entry requires SCAN to iterate over. The router can also execute multiple invalidation requests simultaneously. This lowers latency but might increase the load on Redis instances.

To help tune invalidation performance and scalability, you should benchmark the ratio of the invalidation rate against the number of entries that will be recorded. If it's too low, you can tune it with the following:

  • Increase the number of pooled Redis connections.

  • Increasing the SCAN count option. This shouldn't be too large, with 1000 as a generally reasonable value, because larger values will reduce the operation throughput of the Redis instance.

  • Use separate Redis instances for some subgraphs.

Private information caching

A subgraph can return a response with the header Cache-Control: private, indicating that it contains user-personalized data. Although this usually forbids intermediate servers from storing data, the router may be able to recognize different users and store their data in different parts of the cache.

To set up private information caching, you can configure the private_id option. private_id is a string pointing at a field in the request context that contains data used to recognize users (for example, user id, or sub claim in JWT).

As an example, if you are using the router's JWT authentication plugin, you can first configure the private_id option in the accounts subgraph to point to the user_id key in context, then use a Rhai script to set that key from the JWT's sub claim:

2  enabled: true
3  subgraph:
4    all:
5      enabled: true
6      redis:
7        urls: ["redis://..."]
8    subgraphs:
9      accounts:
10        private_id: "user_id"
12  router:
13    jwt:
14      jwks:
15        - url: https://auth-server/jwks.json
1fn supergraph_service(service) {
2  let request_callback = |request| {
3    let claims = request.context[Router.APOLLO_AUTHENTICATION_JWT_CLAIMS];
5    if claims != () {
6      let private_id = claims["sub"];
7      request.context["user_id"] = private_id;
8    }
9  };
11  service.map_request(request_callback);

The router implements the following sequence to determine whether a particular query returns private data:

  • Upon seeing a query for the first time, the router requests the cache as if it were a public-only query.

  • When the subgraph returns the response with private data, the router recognizes it and stores the data in a user-specific part of the cache.

  • The router stores the query in a list of known queries with private data.

  • When the router subsequently sees a known query:

    • If the private id isn't provided, the router doesn't interrogate the cache, but it instead transmits the subgraph response directly.

    • If the private id is provided, the router queries the part of the cache for the current user and checks the subgraph if nothing is available.


The router supports a cache selector in telemetry for the subgraph service. The selector returns the number of cache hits or misses by an entity for a subgraph request.


You can add a new attribute on the subgraph span for the number of cache hits. For example:

2  instrumentation:
3    spans:
4      subgraph:
5        attributes:
6          cache.hit:
7            cache: hit


The router provides the telemetry.instrumentation.instruments.cache instrument to enable cache metrics:

2  instrumentation:
3    instruments:
4      cache: # Cache instruments configuration
5        apollo.router.operations.entity.cache: # A counter which counts the number of cache hit and miss for subgraph requests
6          attributes:
7   true # Include the entity type name. default: false
8   # Custom attributes to include the subgraph name in the metric
9              subgraph_name: true
10   # Add custom attribute to display the supergraph operation name
11              supergraph_operation_name: string
12            # You can add more custom attributes using subgraph selectors

You can use custom instruments to create metrics for the subgraph service. The following example creates a custom instrument to generate a histogram that measures the subgraph request duration when there's at least one cache hit for the "inventory" subgraph:

2  instrumentation:
3    instruments:
4      subgraph:
5        only_cache_hit_on_subgraph_inventory:
6          type: histogram
7          value: duration
8          unit: hit
9          description: histogram of subgraph request duration when we have cache hit on subgraph inventory
10          condition:
11            all:
12            - eq:
13              - subgraph_name: true # subgraph selector
14              - inventory
15            - gt: # If the number of cache hit is greater than 0
16              - cache: hit
17              # entity_type: Product # Here you could also only check for the entity type Product, it's `all` by default if we don't specify this config.
18              - 0

Implementation notes

Cache-Control header requirement

The Router currently cannot know which types or fields should be cached, so it requires the subgraph to set a Cache-Control header in its response to indicate that it should be stored.

Responses with errors not cached

To prevent transient errors from affecting the cache for a long duration, subgraph responses with errors are not cached.

Cached entities with unavailable subgraph

If some entities were obtained from the cache, but the subgraphs that provided them are unavailable, the router will return a response with the cached entities, and the other entities nullified (schema permitting), along with an error message for the nullified entities.

Authorization and entity caching

When used alongside the router's authorization directives , cache entries are separated by authorization context. If a query contains fields that need a specific scope, the requests providing that scope have different cache entries from those not providing the scope. This means that data requiring authorization can still be safely cached and even shared across users, without needing invalidation when a user's roles change because their requests are automatically directed to a different part of the cache.

Schema updates and entity caching

On schema updates, the router ensures that queries unaffected by the changes keep their cache entries. Queries with affected fields need to be cached again to ensure the router doesn't serve invalid data from before the update.