Project Modularization

Configuring Apollo iOS with single target vs multi-module projects

When determining how to configure your project to use Apollo iOS, the first question you'll need to answer is:

Will your project interact with Apollo in a single target or through multiple modules?

Depending on the size and complexity of your project, it might be built as a single monolithic application target or be composed of multiple modules that interact with Apollo.

Interactions with Apollo include setting up your ApolloClient; executing operations; using the generated models; interacting with the normalized cache; and any other functionality that uses the Apollo or ApolloAPI libraries.

Single target

A single target project configuration means that all of your interaction with Apollo will be done from a single target in your project. This is usually the case if your project consists of a single monolithic application target.

Alternatively you may use a single target configuration with a multi-module project when encapsulating your dependency on Apollo iOS behind a custom wrapper module. While it is common practice to encapsulate the setup of your ApolloClient and/or execution of operations, if you would like to use the generated operation response models in your other modules, you will need to use a multi-module project configuration.

For a single target project configuration, you can link your target to the Apollo library. You can also optionally link to ApolloSQLite and/or ApolloWebSocket to enable their functionality.

For more information about the libraries that make up the Apollo iOS SDK, see the Apollo iOS SDK .


A multi-module project can interact with Apollo in a variety of ways from different modules.

You may have some infrastructure modules that setup and manage the ApolloClient and NormalizedCache, others that need to execute operations, and others that consume response models without ever interacting with the ApolloClient directly.

To include the Apollo iOS SDK in a project with multiple modules:

  1. Link Apollo to the modules configuring or using the networking and caching APIs.

    • Optionally, link ApolloSQLite and/or ApolloWebSocket to the module that sets up your ApolloClient to enable them.

  2. Link ApolloAPI to the modules that only include or consume the generated models.

  3. If you are using test mocks , link ApolloTestSupport to any unit test targets that need to create mocks of your generated models.