10. Write your first mutation

In this section, you will write your first mutation to log in to the backend.

A mutation is used to change data on your server. Here the login mutation will create a session based on your email address.

Note: The way you log in to this particular server might differ from the way you log in with your own server. Login is often handled by middleware, or a layer totally separate from GraphQL, like OAuth . Also note that a typical authentication flow should require a password but for this tutorial, anyone is allowed to book flights with a valid email address!

Prototype your mutation in Sandbox Explorer

Open your Sandbox Explorer and click on the plus symbol to add a new tab. Next, click on the Schema icon to get back to looking at your schema, and select "Mutation" to look at your list of mutations:

The list of available mutations

Scroll down to take a look at the login mutation:

The definition of login in the schema

Click the play button to the right to open that mutation in the Explorer tab. When it opens, click the plus sign next to login to add the operation:

The login mutation after initially being added

Notice the red error indication - this is because the type returned by the mutation is User, which is not a leaf type: you need to choose which of the user's fields the mutation will return. For our purposes, we only need the token field, so add it by clicking the plus sign next to it.

You'll also notice that email wasn't automatically added as an argument even though it doesn't seem to have a default value: that's because email is of type String - which remember, in GraphQL, means that it's not required (although obviously you won't get too far without it).

Click the plus sign next to the email argument to have that argument added:

The operation with the email argument

You'll also notice that Sandbox Explorer has added a variable to your "Variables" section to match the login email.

Click the Submit Operation button your mutation. You'll see that since you sent null for the email address, you get back null for the login:

Results of passing a null email

Now, replace null in the Query Variables section with an actual email address:

1{ "email": "me@example.com" }

Press the Submit Operation button, and this time you'll get an actual response:

Results of passing an actual email

Next, copy the operation, either manually or using the three-dot menu's "Copy operation" option.

Add the mutation to the project

Now that your mutation is working, add it to your project. Create a file named Login.graphql next to your other GraphQL files and past the contents of the mutation:

1mutation Login($email: String!) {
2  login(email: $email) {
3    token
4  }

Note: we've also marked the email variable as non-nullable by adding ! to the end of the type, since we always want to pass a value for it.

Run code generation in Terminal to generate the code for the mutation.

Implement the login logic

To start, go to LoginViewModel.swift and add the following import:

1import Apollo
2import RocketReserverAPI

Next, replace the TODO in the login(with email: String?) method with the following code:

1Network.shared.apollo.perform(mutation: LoginMutation(email: email)) { [weak self] result in
2    defer {
3        self?.isSubmitEnabled = true
4    }
6    switch result {
7    case .success(let graphQLResult):
8        if let token = graphQLResult.data?.login?.token {
9            // TODO - store token securely
10            self?.isPresented = false
11        }
13        if let errors = graphQLResult.errors {
14            self?.appAlert = .errors(errors: errors)
15        }
16    case .failure(let error):
17        self?.appAlert = .errors(errors: [error])
18    }

Next, you need to store the login credential that's returned by the server. Login credentials should always be stored in the Keychain, but interacting with it directly is challenging, so you'll be using the KeychainSwift library which has already been added as a Swift Package to this project.

At the top of LoginViewModel.swift add the following import:

1import KeychainSwift

Now replace the TODO - store token securely after unwrapping the token with the following:

1let keychain = KeychainSwift()
2keychain.set(token, forKey: LoginView.loginKeychainKey)

Display the login view

Next we need to check if the user is logged in when booking/cancelling a trip to see if we should display the LoginView.

To do this go to the DetailViewModel.swift, you will notice the bookOrCancel() method already has some code in it to call the isLoggedIn() method, and if that returns false to set the flag to show the login view.

1func bookOrCancel() {
2    guard self.isLoggedIn() else {
3        isShowingLogin = true
4        return
5    }
7    // TODO

Currently the isLoggedIn() method is always returning false, so let's update that now, first add the following import to DetailViewModel.swift:

1import KeychainSwift

Next, replace the contents of the isLoggedIn() method with the following:

1private func isLoggedIn() -> Bool {
2    let keychain = KeychainSwift() // highlight-line
3    return keychain.get(LoginView.loginKeychainKey) != nil // highlight-line

Test the login mutation

Build and run the application, select a launch from the list to get to the DetailView. You should see that clicking the "Book now!" button shows the login view and if you login with this email: me@example.com, subsequent presses of "Book now!" no longer show the login view.

In the next section, you will add you will learn how to authenicate your operations with your login token.