Rover supergraph Commands

For use with Apollo Federation supergraphs

A supergraph is a graph composed of multiple subgraphs:

Rover commands that interact with supergraphs begin with rover supergraph. These commands primarily deal with supergraph schemas .

Fetching a supergraph schema from GraphOS

supergraph fetch

This command requires authenticating Rover with GraphOS .

You can use Rover to fetch the supergraph schema of any federated GraphOS Studio variant it has access to. Run the supergraph fetch command, like so:

1rover supergraph fetch my-supergraph@my-variant

To fetch a supergraph's API schema instead, use graph fetch . Learn about different schema types.

The argument my-supergraph@my-variant in the example above specifies the ID of the Studio graph you're fetching from, along with which variant you're fetching.

You can omit @ and the variant name. If you do, Rover uses the default variant, named current.

Composing a supergraph schema

supergraph compose

You can use the supergraph compose command to compose a supergraph schema based on a supergraph configuration file , like so:

1rover supergraph compose --config ./supergraph.yaml

You can also pass config via stdin:

1cat ./supergraph.yaml | rover supergraph compose --config -

From a Studio variant

You can optionally pass a variant's graph ref to download each subgraph's SDL and compose the supergraph SDL like so:

1rover supergraph compose --graph-ref platform@staging

You can optionally pass a YAML configuration file to override specific subgraphs or add a new one. This is useful for testing new subgraph schemas before publishing them.

For example, given a supergraph_override.yaml file like this:

    routing_url: http://localhost:4000
      file: ./products.graphql

You can override a variant's published products subgraph like so:

rover supergraph compose \
  --graph-ref docs-example-graph@current \
  --config path/to/supergraph_override.yaml

Note that you only need to set routing_url if you want to change it from the routing URL registered for the subgraph in GraphOS.

YAML configuration file

The supergraph configuration file (often referred to as supergraph.yaml) includes configuration options for each of your subgraphs . The following example file configures a supergraph with two subgraphs (films and people):

1federation_version: =2.3.2
3  films:
4    routing_url:
5    schema:
6      file: ./films.graphql
7  people:
8    routing_url:
9    schema:
10      file: ./people.graphql

In the above example, The YAML file specifies each subgraph's public-facing URL (routing_url), along with the path to its schema (schema.file).

A single configuration file can pull subgraph schemas from a variety of sources. For example, here's a configuration that includes subgraph schemas from three different types of sources:

1federation_version: =2.3.2
4  # Local .graphql file
5  films:
6    routing_url:
7    schema:
8      file: ./films.graphql
10  # Subgraph introspection
11  people:
12    routing_url:  # <- can be omitted if the same as introspection URL
13    schema:
14      subgraph_url:
15      introspection_headers:  # Optional headers to include in introspection request
16        Authorization: Bearer ${env.PEOPLE_AUTH_TOKEN}
18  # GraphOS Studio graph ref
19  actors:
20    routing_url: http://localhost:4005  # <- can be omitted if matches existing URL in Studio
21    schema:
22      graphref: mygraph@current
23      subgraph: actors

Variable expansion

The supergraph.yaml file supports variable expansion using the same syntax as GraphOS Router .

Output format

By default, rover supergraph compose outputs a supergraph schema document to stdout. You provide this artifact to @apollo/gateway or the 🦀 GraphOS Router on startup.

⚠️ caution
Your router/gateway fails to start up if you provide it with a supergraph schema that it doesn't support. To ensure compatibility, we recommend that you always test launching your router/gateway in a CI pipeline with the supergraph schema it will ultimately use in production.

You can save the schema output to a local .graphql file like so:

1# Creates prod-schema.graphql or overwrites if it already exists
2rover supergraph compose --config ./supergraph.yaml --output prod-schema.graphql

For more on passing values via stdout, see Using stdout .

Federation 2 ELv2 license

The first time you use Federation 2 composition on a particular machine, Rover prompts you to accept the terms and conditions of the ELv2 license . On future invocations, Rover remembers that you already accepted the license and doesn't prompt you again (even if you update Rover).

CI systems wipe away any persisted Rover configuration on each run, and they can't accept the interactive ELv2 prompt. To automatically accept the prompt in CI, do any of the following:
  • Set the environment variable APOLLO_ELV2_LICENSE=accept in your CI environment.
  • Include --elv2-license accept in your rover supergraph compose command.
  • Run yes | rover supergraph compose

The ELv2-licensed supergraph plugin (built from this source ) is installed to ~/.rover/bin if you installed with the curl | sh installer, and to ./node_modules/.bin/ if you installed with npm.

Setting a composition version

Whenever you run rover supergraph compose, Rover automatically downloads the composition library for the given federation version you specified either in your supergraph.yaml or via stdin .

The command supports both Federation 1 and Federation 2 composition. Federation 1 and Federation 2 use different composition algorithms, which are implemented in different libraries:

  • The federation version you specify must not exceed the highest version supported by your router. Make sure to update your router before incrementing your federation_version. For details, see this support table .
  • If you specify a Federation 1 version and any of your subgraphs uses a Federation 2 schema, composition fails.
  • Future versions of rover supergraph compose will fail if you don't specify an exact federation version. Include a federation version in your configuration to prevent breaking changes in future Rover versions.

Automatic updates

If you don't specify a federation_version in supergraph.yaml (which will be required in future versions), Rover determines which version to use according to the following logic:

A subgraph schema "opts in" to Federation 2 by adding a special @link directive described in this article .

The latest federation library version is stored in this file on the main branch of the Rover repository. If you don't specify an exact federation version, new plugin versions will be delivered and sourced from this file.

This auto-update flow will cause issues if you don't update your router version prior to updating your composition pipeline. Apollo strongly recommends always specifying an exact federation_version.

Preventing auto-updates

In some cases, you might want Rover to skip updating its composition library to the latest version. For example, you might have a slow or nonexistent network connection.

In these cases, you can pass the --skip-update flag to rover supergraph compose. If you provide this flag, your supergraph.yaml file must specify a federation_version (which is recommended regardless).

Legacy Rover versions

Versions of Rover prior to v0.5.0 support only Federation 1 composition, via the @apollo/federation JavaScript package.

We recommend updating to the latest version of Rover as soon as possible. If you're still using a legacy version, see the following compatibility table regarding support for different versions of the @apollo/gateway library:

Rover versionGateway version
<= v0.2.x<= v0.38.x
>= v0.3.x>= v0.39.x